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DC3 Challenge : Digital Forensic Challenge 2012

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Halo teman-teman semua

Setelah menyelesaikan ujian singkat dari CSI Cyber Forensic DC3 (Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center) kemarin (Alhamdulillah sudah dapat semua sertifikat Beginner nya :D ), saya melihat ada 1 event yang menarik untuk diikuti yaitu Digital Forensic Challenge 2012. Event ini tiap tahun diselenggarakan oleh DC3 (Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center). Link mengenai event tersebut ada disini :


Apakah ada teman-teman disini yang menarik untuk ikutan ? Kita bisa lho join jadi team. :D Kalau ada yang berminat membentuk team untuk mengasah kemampuan, mari kita coba bersama :D .

Saya dan beberapa orang teman berencana mengikuti Contest ini, karena waktu yang diberikan sangat panjang untuk menyelesaikan contest ini (Sampai November 2012). Adapun Exercise yang akan ditanyakan seputar hal-hal berikut ini :

➢ Level 100: Novice Groundwork- these exercises have a solution that are well known to experienced examiners. Each exercise is worth 100 points (e.g. File Signatures, Suspicious Software, Hashing Metadata, etc.).

100 - Internet Explorer Internet History Analysis

101 - Linux Password and Shadow File

102 - Google Chrome Internet History Analysis

103 - Mozilla Firefox Internet History Analysis

104 - Safari Internet History Analysis

105 - File Metadata Analysis

106 - File Signature and Reconstruction

107 - Password Recovery

108 - Hidden Data Analysis

109 - Hash Analysis and Comparison

➢ Level 200: Advanced Uncertainty- at 200 points per exercise, these solvable exercises have a varying degree of difficulty (e.g. Data Hiding, File Headers, Passwords, Registry, etc.).

200 - Steganography Extraction Challenge

201 - Cracking Linux Logins

202 - Linux Intrusion - Network Capture

203 - Windows Intrusion - Network Capture

204 - Evidence of USB Usage between Mac and Windows

205 - E-mail Header Analysis

➢ Level 300: Expert Investigate- there is no guarantee that these exercises have a solution. Additionally, each 300 point exercise requires a solution that is not very well known (e.g. Encryption, Parsing, etc.).

300 - Encrypted Archives Challenge

301 - Linux Encrypted Volume Challenge

302 - Data Recovery - RAID Reconstruction

303 - Linux Intrusion - Dead Box Exam

304 - iOS Mail Conversion

305 - Basic Level Malware Analysis

➢ Level 400: Master Reveal- these 400 point exercises have no known solution (e.g. Communication Recovery/Parsing, Information Concealment in files, etc.).

400 - Camera Shy Steganography Challenge

401 - Linux LUKS Volume Decryption

402 - Cryptomathic File2File Decryption

403 - Deleted Drive Recovery

404 - Advanced Malware Analysis

➢ Level 500: Developer Originate- 500 point exercises required development of digital forensic tools based on the defined requirements (e.g. tools, methodologies, etc. for known Digital Forensic investigation issues).

Hint: These tools can be used to solve other exercises

500 - Linux Executable Packer

501 - Windows Executable Packer

502 - File Activity Timeline

503 - Volume Shadow Copy Analyzer

504 - Windows File Tag Analysis

Bagaimana?? Berminat?

Selamat Mengikuti :D
