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How to Fix Missing Skype Tray Icon in Ubuntu 14.04

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I just installed a new Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Skype is my favorite app, so i installed it first. But, something happen after i log in to my Skype account. Usually, when I close the application, skype tray icon is still active. But, in this new Ubuntu version, there is no Skype tray icon. When i open another Skype windows from Launcher, there is a warning that tell me the SKype application is already running. What the?. Okay, i do a quick googling and find this article :


To fix the missing Skype tray icon in your Ubuntu (i am using Ubuntu 14.04 63 Bit) you have to install Skype tray / appindicator manually because it is not installed automatically. Open your terminal and type this command :

$ sudo apt-get install sni-qt:i386

Voilla, wait a second, your Skype tray icon will show immediately.

The Skype tray icon might disappear after you log in, but it should show up after a few seconds.

Happy Hacking
